The mission of Echo City Church is to connect people to the heart of God and develop their echo!


The vision of Echo City Church is to echo the heart of God!
Matthew 6:10 "Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven"

our core values

We are First Followers of Jesus

We believe that everything we do flows from the love and words of Jesus.  We have once source of truth, a.k.a the Bible, that gives us insight to these words and we are unashmed of the gospel because it is good news.  Following Jesus encourages us to love God and love others with all that's in us.   

We Bring the Party

Church should not be endured; it should be enjoyed. While Jesus was on Earth, his goal was to bring light into a dark world, and that is our goal too—to shine light into dark places. We find ways to pursue joy in our everyday lives, and it reflects in our vibrant, joy-filled experiences 
Church should not be endured; it should be enjoyed. While Jesus was on Earth, his goal was to bring light into a dark world, and that is our goal too—to shine light into dark places. We find ways to pursue joy in our everyday lives, and it reflects in our vibrant, joy-filled experiences 

We Embrace the Authentic Journey

We embrace the fact that not every journey and story follows a linear path. This means we honor each person's individual process of finding God. We understand that not everyone believes when they first come to church, and we simply want to assist you in discovering your next step with Him. We are a 'come as you are' community but recognize that when you find Jesus, you'll desire to be transformed by Him. As a church, we don't want anything from you, but we want everything for you. 

We Pass it On to the Next

We believe that God blesses us to be a blessing. Generosity isn't something we merely do; it's something we embody. We believe in equipping people for the next generation of the church. With this perspective, we become contributors to the cause of Jesus Christ by serving our church, community, and the circles we influence. What we understand is that if we all embrace the assignment God has given us, we are stronger together 

We Can't Stay Here

We focus our attention forward. We understand that everyone has a past, but we also believe that everyone has a purpose. Our goal is to assist you in discovering your purpose because when you find your purpose, you can help others find theirs. There is so much wonder in the world with God, and we want to help you find it with child-like excitement. Once you see God as a loving, caring, and hope-giving Father, we believe you will desire the transformation and freedom you've been seeking. 

Our Pastors

Joel & Nicole Sosa

Pastors Joel and Nicole Sosa believe that you are not an accident. You are God-breathed, intended by Him, and created to Echo the Heart of God. God placed you on this earth to make a difference, and there is a unique purpose and call on your life. You can only discover that purpose in His presence. Love God, love His people, and watch how He unfolds His blessings in your life as you connect and develop the echo of God. 

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