How to Beat the Enemy's Mind Games

7 Practical Steps to Renew Your Mind

  1. Don’t wait for your circumstances to change before you start changing your mind. Your mind must rise above your circumstances.
  2. Stop believing that you can’t control your thoughts. The Bible commands us to think about good things (Philippians 4:8), meaning we can choose what to dwell on.
  3. What you feed your mind becomes your mindset. You can’t control your mindset directly, but you can control what you feed it.
  4. Confess what you believe, not what you feel. Speak God’s Word out loud, even when you don’t feel it.
  5. Resist negative thoughts and assist positive thoughts. Uproot negative thinking like weeds, and plant godly thoughts like seeds.
  6. Celebrate the process. Change takes time. Don’t give up—keep fighting for your freedom.
  7. Expect miracles. Expectation is the breeding ground for miracles. Resist imagining the worst; expect good things from God.

Nicole Sosa

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